Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Gentlemen! You Can't Fight In The War Room!

If this doesn't conjure up images of a real-life Dr. Strangelove (particularly considering the presence of the creepily similar Stephen Hawking), I don't know what would... you know, other than Slim Pickens surfing a misfired nuke right into the heart of the Urals. While I do endorse the pro-time travel characteristics of this so-called "clock," it seems mostly just like a desperate plea for attention from personalities in science now well-past their respective primes. Like we really want to know what Arthur C. Clarke thinks after reading the waste of trees that was 3001. Can't these people unite their scientific and technological acumen to create a fully-automated doomsday clock? The Mayans managed to come up with a system thousands of years ago, and they had to overcome that senseless base-60 number system and lack of Microsoft Excel.

The founder of Swatch would be spinning in his grave (assuming he's dead).

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