Friday, October 13, 2006

54-second Song Of The Day

The Nerve Agents - Planet Frankenstein

Earlier this week, someone commented on the Nerve Agents button I wear on one of my jackets. Truthfully, I have little idea of what buttons reside on what articles of clothing of mine most of the time, so I'd forgotten about why I even wore the button to begin with - it certainly wasn't their cliché ghoulish logo. Traditional punk rock doesn't thrill me, but there was something about The Nerve Agents' awkward vocal delivery and unrelenting urgency that made them one of my favorite bands for quite a while (this was in the 1999-2001 area, before Revelation and Epitaph forgot what music sounded like). Their cover of Bowie's "Suffragette City" has always been my benchmark for a great punk rehashing of a classic.

If you happen to own their sensational Days Of The White Owl, give it a spin today and think about all the East Bay bands that could never play in this league.

The Nerve Agents - The Poisoning
The Nerve Agents - So Very Avoidable

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